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A big part of my dolls are archived here.
You can see what i've made and where they are now
Some are tagged with a small face and numbered,
these dolls are very unique and i will never repeat them:
(-.-)  are figurines with wool faces, they are storytelling dolls or puppet play figures
(-.-)*  are figurines with papier-mâché hand painted faces, they are christmas ornaments.

Product Image 3 Kings

3 Kings

 3 Kings are on their way. From the top of the fridge across the kitchen shelves, through the different corners of your domestic landscape they are approching every day litttle by little to their final place by the new born star..

3 Kings symbolize our world and the life, unity of all. So very colorful! 

~ 14 cm ~ 5 1/2 "~

Handmade from needle felted organic plant dyed wool.

Product Image Angels


Felted Angel Ornaments for your Christmas tree

organic plant dyed and natural needle felted wool.

~ 6 cm - 2.3 in

..each angel can be wrapped, ready to be given as a present - make me a little note while ordering

Another Big Smiling Snowman

organic natural wool, needle felted, hand embroidered

aprox. 10cm tall

Private collection K., Bordeaux, France

big girl carrying her bunny


~ 10cm~

 Made of organic natural & plant dyed wool, needle felted.

Private collection B., Minsk, Belarus

Big Smiling Snowman

organic natural wool, needle felted, hand embroidered

aprox. 10 cm tall

Private collection L., Mill Valley  CA, USA

Product Image MadameZorro Handmade Organic wool Figurine

Dreamy Girl


 ~ 12 cm ~

 organic plandyed wool, needle felted

Private collection J., USA


 ~ 10-14 cm ~

 organic plant dyed wool, needle felted

Private collection I., Berlin, Germany  

custom order

Product Image Forest child with lantern

Forest child with lantern

A small child in a blue coat walking with her lantern.

~ 6cm ~

Made of organic plant dyed wool, needle felted.

Private collection F., Sausalito, CA USA

Product Image Forest child with lantern

Forest child with lantern

A small child in a red coat walking with her lantern.

~ 6cm ~

Made of organic plant dyed wool, needle felted.

Product Image Forest child with lantern

Forest child with lantern

A small child in a yellow raincoat walking with his lantern.

~ 6cm~

Made of organic plant dyed wool, needle felted.


Product Image Girl making snowball

Girl making snowball


 ~ 10 cm ~

organic plant dyed wool, needle felted, papier-mâché hand painted face

Private collection L., Mill Valley  CA, USA

Product Image Waldorf table puppets - Girl with 2 bunnies - needle felted wool dolls by madamezorro

Girl with two bunnies

Waldorf table puppets. Perfect for storytelling.


Handmade from organic plandyed & natural needle felted wool.

~ 12 cm ~ 4.7"~

Product Image Gnome with firewood

Gnome with firewood

~ 7cm ~

Made of organic nautural & plant dyed sheep wool, beard - alpaka wool, needle felted.

Firewood made of hemp string.


Product Image Gnome with flowers

Gnome with flowers


Made of organic natural & plant dyed sheep wool, beard - alpaka wool, needle felted.

Bouquet made of real dried flowers and colored wool thread

Private collection C., Berlin, Germany


Gnome with lantern

~ 8cm ~

Made of organic plant dyed wool, beard - alpaka wool, needle felted.

Lantern made of dried twig, colored paper & string.

Private collection F., Sausalito, CA USA

Product Image Little girl in sky blue shawl

Little girl in sky blue shawl

~ 7cm ~

Made of organic plant dyed wool, needle felted.

Private collection F., Sausalito, CA USA

Product Image MadameZorro Little girl with bunny Handmade wool Figurine

Little girl with bunny


 ~ 11 cm ~

organic plant dyed wool, needle felted

Private collection E., Switzerland

Product Image MadameZorro Little girl with dolly Handmade organic wool Figurine

Little girl with dolly


~ 11 cm ~

organic plant dyed wool, needle felted

Private collection M., Berlin, Germany

Product Image Little Mushroom

Little Mushroom

Elsa Beskow book inspired table puppet for storytelling, nature table, gift. 

Handmade, organicplant dyed wool, needle felted.

~ 8 cm

Product Image Little rabbit

Little rabbit

Follow the tiny white rabbit!

made from organic natural wool needle felted

~ 4 cm ~

Mama baby and girl

~ 10cm tall (mother) , 7cm tall (girl)   3cm (baby) ~

Made of organic plant dyed wool, needle felted

Private collection J., Berlin, Germany  

custom order